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Warning against staying in low-lying areas of the Elbe

The Hamburg police have warned against staying in low-lying areas around the Elbe during the expected storm surge on Friday night. This applies in particular to the harbor, Hafencity and areas close to the Elbe, the police announced on Thursday morning. Buildings in these areas should also be...

The water of the Elbe washes over parts of the beach in Hamburg-Övelgönne during high tide.
The water of the Elbe washes over parts of the beach in Hamburg-Övelgönne during high tide.

Storm - Warning against staying in low-lying areas of the Elbe

The Hamburg police have warned against staying in low-lying areas around the Elbe during the expected storm surge on Friday night. This applies in particular to the harbor, Hafencity and areas close to the Elbe, the police announced on Thursday morning. Buildings in these areas should also be protected from flooding and vehicles should be moved to higher areas. The storm surge in the Elbe is expected shortly before midnight, around 10.25 p.m. on Thursday. Water levels are then expected to rise to 1.50 to 2.5 meters above mean high water.

The Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) has also predicted a severe storm surge for Friday morning, between 8.00 and 12.00 am. Water levels are then expected to rise to more than 2.5 meters above mean high tide. The Hamburg fish market is usually flooded by water at water levels of 1.5 to 2.0 meters above mean high tide.

Water level forecast BSH DWD forecast Information from the City of Hamburg on storm surges

Read also:

  1. Residents in Schleswig-Holstein, especially those living near the coast, should also heed the storm warning, as the Elbe's storm surge could reach their shores as well.
  2. The shipping industry in Hamburg, a major harbor city, has been advised to secure their vessels and equipment to prevent damage due to the storm surge and high winds.
  3. The impending bad weather is also expected to cause severe disruptions in traffic, with some roads likely to be closed due to flooding or high tides.
  4. The police in Hamburg are encouraging residents to stay indoors during the storm to avoid any unnecessary risk, especially those living in low-lying areas or near the waterfront.
  5. Moreover, the storm surge might also impact the storm drains and sewage systems, potentially causing localized flooding in some areas.
  6. Despite the severe weather conditions, emergency services and rescue teams will be on standby, ready to respond to any flooding or other incidents that may arise during the storm surge.


