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Warentest recommends these sexual enhancers

When nothing works in bed

Potency medication is a blessing for those affected. After all, the disease is a taboo and
Potency medication is a blessing for those affected. After all, the disease is a taboo and can cause considerable, often avoidable suffering in addition to the loss of a fulfilling love

Warentest recommends these sexual enhancers

Erectile dysfunction - the term alone is a cause for concern. Fortunately, however, there is a remedy for occasional or permanent impotence. In the form of medication. Warentest explains which ones can help men to be more steadfast.

There are many possible reasons why a man may not be able to have sex the way he wants to. One of them can be impotence - erectile dysfunction. This is a disease and has nothing to do with sexual reluctance. The latter is caused by a lack of libido. The former is due to potency. So it's about being able to and not wanting to.

By definition, treatable erectile dysfunction is present if a man is unable to achieve an erection for more than six months or maintain it long enough to perform sexual intercourse despite desire. An occasional dip is therefore no cause for concern and, in addition to psychological causes, can also result from a hopefully only temporary unhealthy lifestyle (alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, obesity, lack of exercise) or a resulting testosterone deficiency, among other things. Sometimes it is simply the lack of stimulation from the chosen sexual partner that is to blame when a man lacks the necessary steadfastness.

Permanent erectile dysfunction? See a doctor!

When it comes to permanent erectile dysfunction, medical help should always be sought. Preferably with a urologist. Because in around 80 percent of cases, impotence has physical causes. Such as age-related circulatory disorders or diabetes, which can lead to long-term damage to nerves and blood vessels. Erectile dysfunction can therefore also be a warning sign of cardiovascular disease and indicate an increased risk of heart attack and stroke. Certain medications can also significantly reduce potency. In addition, factors such as chronic stress and emotional strain can upset the hormonal balance. In this case, however, sexual enhancers are not the first choice for getting back on track.

If the doctor has diagnosed an organically caused erectile dysfunction, medication in the form of sexual enhancers can help. This is a blessing for those affected, as the condition is taboo and can cause considerable, often avoidable, suffering in addition to the loss of a fulfilling love life. It should also be clear that sexual enhancers are not lifestyle products for better performance in bed. Under no circumstances should those affected buy them on the Internet on their own initiative. Prescription drugs such as Viagra are often counterfeits. Some supposedly "purely herbal" products contain undeclared substances that can be life-threatening for men who are not allowed to take them because of a heart condition.

Now that all this has been clarified, let's move on to Stiftung Warentest. Their drug experts have evaluated tablets, syringes and sticks that can provide relief in the event of corresponding findings. The prices of the 100 products evaluated by Warentest range from around 13 euros for a 4-pack of tablets to almost 200 euros for a 10-pack of injection solutions.

Assuming sexual desire

These include products with the phosphodiesterase inhibitor (PDE inhibitor) sildenafil; this is the active ingredient to which Viagra and its numerous imitation products owe their effect. Other PDE inhibitors are avanafil, tadalafil and vardenafil. They can be taken as tablets and primarily increase the blood supply to the penis, which can strengthen and prolong the erection - provided sexual desire is present. However, the effect can come at a price, as side effects such as headaches, visual disturbances or even hearing loss can occur. Men who suffer from serious heart disease should also stay away from these sexual enhancers. The risk of a heart attack, for example, is too high. They should also not be combined with some medications for heart conditions such as angina pectoris.

The active ingredient alprostadil is mainly used when the results of PDE inhibitors are unsatisfactory. It is injected or inserted into the urethra. In contrast to the previously mentioned active ingredients, alprostadil does not require the user's nerve tracts to be intact, as is the case with paraplegics or men with other nerve damage.

Of the herbal remedies, only yohimbine was considered. It is the only herbal remedy with a marketing authorization, but is classified by the testers as "less suitable", as its therapeutic efficacy is not considered sufficiently proven.

Equally good and significantly cheaper: generics

However, many other drugs are classified as "suitable with restrictions", all require a prescription and must be paid for by the user. For this reason, doctors and patients should make sure that inexpensive generics are prescribed. This is because they are often available for only a quarter of the price of the original. Taking into account the possible contraindications mentioned above, the following products are emphasized by Warentest primarily because of their low prices:

  • Active ingredient Alprostadil: Caverject Impuls, 2 injection syringes, 10 μg/each, 42.94euros, Muse 2 sticks/500 μg, 45.71 euros.
  • Active ingredient avanafil: Spedra, 4 film-coated tablets, 100 mg/each, 36.52 euros (not a generic).
  • Active ingredient Sildenafil: Sildenafil Biomo (12.59 euros), Sildenafil Abz (14.14 euros), Sildaristo (14.88 euros), Sildenafil Neuraxpharm (16.05 euros), 4 film-coated tablets each, 50 mg/each. For comparison: Viagra is available in the same quantity for 56.67 euros.
  • Active ingredient Tadalafil: Tadalafil Beta (13.07 euros), Tadalafil Biomo (13.07 euros), Tadalafil Stada (13.46 euros), Tadalafil Abz 13.58 euros), 4 film-coated tablets, 10 mg/each. For comparison: Cialis costs 94.77 for the same quantity, many times more than the products mentioned.
  • Active ingredient vardenafil: Levitra, 4 film-coated tablets, 5 mg/each, 23.32 euros.


