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Walter takes over conference of Left Party parliamentary group chairmen

Brandenburg's Left Party leader Sebastian Walter is taking over the conference of parliamentary group leaders in the state parliaments, the Bundestag and the EU Parliament this year. "Decisive elections will take place in 2024 - for large parts of eastern Germany and for Europe," said Walter in...

Parties - Walter takes over conference of Left Party parliamentary group chairmen

Brandenburg's Left Party leader Sebastian Walter is taking over the conference of parliamentary group leaders in the state parliaments, the Bundestag and the EU Parliament this year. "There will be decisive elections in 2024 - for large parts of eastern Germany and for Europe," said Walter in a statement on Thursday. "We as the Left will be in intensive exchange with each other at all levels of the federal states, the federal government and Europe for a strong left-wing policy."

The conference discusses the focal points of parliamentary work. The leadership changes annually. According to the Brandenburg Left Party in the state parliament, Walter is taking over the chairmanship from Jan Schalauske, the previous head of the Left Party in the Hessian parliament. Walter has been chairman of the Left Party in the state parliament since 2019 and co-chairman of the Left Party Brandenburg since 2022.

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