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Walker wants to promote hydrogen production with 108 million

Environment Minister Thekla Walker (Greens) wants to reallocate more than 100 million euros in funding for the regional production of hydrogen. As the Cellcentric fuel cell factory in Weilheim/Teck wants to manage without EU funding, the state does not have to co-finance this with 108 million...

Thekla Walker (Alliance 90/The Greens), Environment Minister of Baden-Württemberg.
Thekla Walker (Alliance 90/The Greens), Environment Minister of Baden-Württemberg.

Environment Minister - Walker wants to promote hydrogen production with 108 million

Environment Minister Thekla Walker (Greens) wants to reallocate more than 100 million euros in funding for the regional production of hydrogen. As the Cellcentric fuel cell factory in Weilheim/Teck wants to manage without EU funding, the state does not have to co-finance this with 108 million euros as planned, the ministry announced on Wednesday. However, the money had already been planned in the budget. In the state parliament on Wednesday, the minister therefore proposed that the freed-up funds be invested in a funding program for the development of electrolysis capacities.

In electrolysis, water (H2O) is split into hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2) using electricity - this produces hydrogen. This can then be used to generate electricity in a fuel cell. The odorless and colorless gas can replace the combustion of coal, oil or gas in industry and transport. Hydrogen is therefore seen as a kind of all-rounder in the fight against climate change. If electricity from renewable energies is used to produce it, it is referred to as green hydrogen.

According to a new demand survey, Baden-Württemberg will need significantly more hydrogen than previously assumed if it is to become climate-neutral by 2040.

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