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Walker expresses gratitude towards emergency personnel and those assisting with flood relief.

Thekla Walker, Baden-Württemberg's Environment Minister, has commended the efforts of emergency personnel and volunteers in handling the flooding in the southwest. Walker expressed her gratitude to those working on the frontlines of the disaster in Stuttgart on Saturday. In order to help...

Thekla Walker (Bündnis90/Die Grünen), Baden-Württemberg's Energy Minister, speaks at a press...
Thekla Walker (Bündnis90/Die Grünen), Baden-Württemberg's Energy Minister, speaks at a press conference on the third conference of energy ministers in Kiel.

Minister for Environment Headline: Minister for Environment Discusses Concerns Over Pollution and Climate Change at Summit. Paraphrased: The Environment Minister Addresses Pollution and Climate Change Issues at a Summit Meeting. - Walker expresses gratitude towards emergency personnel and those assisting with flood relief.

Walker went on to explain, "The state government's investments in dams, rainwater retention basins, and other projects have been beneficial in recent years." Nonetheless, it's important not to get complacent. With a warmer world comes more extreme weather conditions. Several rivers and streams in Upper Swabia and the Lake Constance region have flooded due to these changes.

The Ministry of the Environment in Baden-Württemberg deserves acknowledgment for its efforts in this area.

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