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Wagenknecht party with big promises in state elections

A 62-page program and 30 people on the candidate list: The Sahra Wagenknecht alliance has big plans in Brandenburg. The founder draws a bold comparison at the state party conference.

Sahra Wagenknecht, party chairwoman of the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW).
Sahra Wagenknecht, party chairwoman of the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW).

Parties - Wagenknecht party with big promises in state elections

More apartments, more teachers, more money for communes: The Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance is pulling in the promise of comprehensive state support for the Brandenburg state parliament election in September. Robert Crumbach, the BSW Landeschef, is the spearhead candidate. This was confirmed at a state party conference in Potsdam on Saturday. Party founder Sahra Wagenknecht once again attacked the traffic light coalition in the federal government and drew a comparison to the last days of the GDR.

The federal government is making "completely absurd decisions" at the expense of the population, said the BSW federal chairwoman. "I believe that the older among us, and I am one of them to some extent, can remember those final days of the GDR. And I have to say, that feeling comes back to me in some way." But she did not want to "completely equate" it, added Wagenknecht.

Open question of coalition

She named the federal government once again the "worst government of the Federal Republic in a long, long time." But there is also the "worst opposition" in the Bundestag. She criticized, among other things, statements from the CDU about supplying Ukraine with extensive weapons.

An end to the Russian war against Ukraine and Western sanctions against Russia are central issues in the BSW program for the state election. In addition, a "stop to uncontrolled migration" is demanded. This will not be decided on a state level.

Wagenknecht said that every vote for the BSW builds pressure in federal politics. Asked who the BSW would govern with, Wagenknecht left open. What is decisive, she said, is which party aligns with the BSW.

"Ignoring problems must stop"

In the program for the state election, there is the goal of a ban on cell phones in primary schools and the abandonment of Tempo 120 on autobahns. In addition, there are various demands: affordable housing, better care services, retention of all clinics in Brandenburg threatened with closure, more teachers, free school meals, free kindergartens, investments in roads and rail, and better financial support for municipalities.

"Ignoring problems must stop," said Crumbach at the presentation. How the BSW proposals will be financed remains open. According to the program, taxes and taxes are already too high for normal earners. Proposed is a relaxation of the debt brake and the "reintroduction of the wealth tax for millionaires and billionaires."

Date for coal exit put in question

Crumbach also said that the agreed date of 2038 for the coal exit applies only if the structural change in the Lausitz region really succeeds. "If that's not the case, we won't get out of coal." The date will not be brought forward. The traffic light coalition in the federal government had taken note of this.

The former Left politician Wagenknecht founded her own party in January. The BSW Landesverband Brandenburg has existed since May. According to party statements, it has about 40 members. In Potsdam, about 30 voting members were present. They decided to field 30 female and male candidates for the Landtag with 88 mandates. In the European election, the BSW received 13.8 percent of the votes in Brandenburg.

  1. Sahra Wagenknecht, the founder of the BSW Alliance, criticized the traffic light coalition in the federal government, drawing a comparison to the last days of the GDR.
  2. Robert Crumbach, the BSW Landeschef, was confirmed as the spearhead candidate for the Brandenburg state election in September.
  3. The Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance is promising comprehensive state support for communal needs, including more apartments and teachers.
  4. Wagenknecht accused the federal government of making "completely absurd decisions" at the expense of the population.
  5. In the BSW program for the state election, there are demands for a ban on cell phones in primary schools and a halt to uncontrolled migration.
  6. Crumbach proposed a relaxation of the debt brake and the reintroduction of the wealth tax for millionaires and billionaires to finance the BSW proposals.
  7. The Bundestag has been criticized by Wagenknecht for being the "worst opposition" in recent times.
  8. The Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance, with about 40 members in the Brandenburg state chapter, is fielding 30 female and male candidates for the Landtag with 88 mandates in the state election.

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