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Wage round in the retail sector in Hamburg again without agreement

The last chance to reach an agreement in this year's wage dispute in the retail sector has been missed. The trade union Verdi and the northern trade association were unable to reach a compromise in regional negotiations on Thursday for the Hamburg collective bargaining area, as both sides...

View of the entrance to the Besenbinderhof, where collective bargaining is taking place.
View of the entrance to the Besenbinderhof, where collective bargaining is taking place.

Negotiations - Wage round in the retail sector in Hamburg again without agreement

The last chance to reach an agreement in this year's wage dispute in the retail sector has been missed. The trade union Verdi and the North Trade Association were unable to reach a compromise in regional negotiations on Thursday for the Hamburg collective bargaining area, as both sides announced in the evening. According to the German Retail Association (HDE), the talks had failed "once again due to the union's excessive expectations". "The employers will now meet at the beginning of the year to discuss the consequences."

Verdi accused the other side of not having improved their previous offer. "The employers have not budged, which means a loss of real wages for the employees, we will not do that," the union announced on Thursday evening.

Following a break in negotiations at regional level lasting several weeks in November, the parties to the collective agreement met again for the first time in the Hanseatic city. An agreement in Hamburg could have served as a model for the other 13 collective bargaining regions. A solution to the collective bargaining conflict is therefore once again a long way off.

HDE collective bargaining poster from 15.12.

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