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Wage dispute: Verdi agrees to talks with trade association

The negotiations in the federal states affect millions of employees. Verdi is demanding at least 2.50 euros more per hour in the retail sector in all regions. Will an agreement now be reached?

Employees from various retail companies demonstrated in Erfurt on November
Employees from various retail companies demonstrated in Erfurt on November

Wage dispute: Verdi agrees to talks with trade association

The negotiating parties in the collective bargaining conflict in the retail sector want to meet on Thursday (23.11.) for top-level talks. "The trade union Verdi has confirmed this date to us today," the German Retail Association (HDE) announced on Friday evening.

Negotiations have been stuck for months. Verdi recently called for a warning strike in both retail and wholesale.

Verdi federal board member Silke Zimmer said that a date for talks had been offered on November 23. "Now is the time to find solutions quickly at the negotiating table and put an end to the time game at the expense of the employees." The aim remains a collective agreement "that does not further worsen the precarious situation of employees".

The negotiations in the federal states affect millions of employees. Among other things, Verdi is demanding at least 2.50 euros more per hour in the retail sector in all regions and a term of one year. Depending on the federal state, there are further demands.

The ongoing wage dispute in the retail sector could potentially be impacted by the proposed tariffs, as trade unions like Verdi have expressed concerns about the impact of tariffs on retail trade. The German Retail Association and trade unions, including Verdi, need to consider how tariffs might influence their negotiations regarding wages and working conditions in retail trade.

During the top-level talks scheduled on November 23, trade unions such as Verdi are likely to raise the issue of how tariffs could affect retail trade and its employees, particularly in relation to their demand for wage increases and better working conditions.




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