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Voting participation in Saxony equivalent to 2019 levels.

In the region of Saxony, the anticipated turnout for the European elections is projected to be around the same level as in previous years. Within the first six hours of the polling stations opening on Sunday, around 31.4% of eligible voters had already exercised their right to vote, notes the...

A person puts his ballot paper for the European elections into a ballot box.
A person puts his ballot paper for the European elections into a ballot box.

Upcoming European and local voting processes. - Voting participation in Saxony equivalent to 2019 levels.

In Germany's Saxony region, the three major cities experienced an increase in voter turnout in the afternoon. By 2 PM, 53% of voters in Dresden had cast their ballots, which was 8.2% more than in 2019 when it was only 44.8%. However, the mail-in votes had already been tallied. In Leipzig, the largest city in Saxony, 52.3% had voted six hours after the polls opened, higher than the 42.2% who voted in 2015. In Chemnitz, as per the city's declaration, the voter turnout was 40.2% by 2 PM, representing a 4-point increase from five years ago.

Voters in Saxony were called to vote for the European Parliament and their local councils. The polling stations started accepting votes at 8 AM. A total of 3.3 million people in the area were eligible to vote, and could do so at approximately 3,600 polling centers from Sunday morning until 6 PM.

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