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Voting official urges citizens to take advantage of their chance to cast their ballots.

In Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, European and local elections are scheduled for June 9th. Approximately 1.36 million residents in the region are invited to participate.

At the entrance to the town hall, the word "Rathaus" is written above the door.
At the entrance to the town hall, the word "Rathaus" is written above the door.

Labor organizations - Voting official urges citizens to take advantage of their chance to cast their ballots.

Christian Boden, Commissioner for Mecklenburg-Vorpommern's Election Commission, encourages eligible voters in the region to cast their ballots this weekend. "This Sunday, fellow voters, we welcome your participation in the European elections 2024 and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern's local elections," Boden said in a Thursday statement. "Don't miss out on this opportunity to make a difference in Europe's and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern's political future-your vote matters!"

The right to vote offers a chance for people to influence the decisions that will shape Europe and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. As Boden stated, "Each vote, regardless of size, can make a difference."

Additionally, the German Trade Union Confederation (DGB) urged citizens to vote on June 9th. It stressed the importance of thriving cities and communities and a social, unified Europe. DGB-North Chief Laura Pooth emphasized, "Cooperative coexistence is fostered by mutual aid, support, solidarity, and togetherness. This is achieved through unity, not hatred against others."

She advised the public to support the democratic lists or parties, as a return to a Europe of national isolation would be economically disastrous for Germany.

Approximately 1.36 million individuals in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern are allowed to vote in the upcoming European and local elections, according to the Electoral Commission. In the 2019 local elections, 57% of eligible voters in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern cast their ballots, and the voter turnout for the concurrent European elections was marginally higher. Infratest Dimap's survey, commissioned by NDR, predicts a similar turnout this year.

The Interior Ministry anticipates awarding approximately 10,000 mandates at the district, city, and community levels, as well as election committees. Over 2,450 candidates are competing for the 520 district council seats and the representative bodies of Rostock and Schwerin's two free cities. Mecklenburg-Vorpommern is currently represented in the European Parliament by Green politician Niklas Nienaß.

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