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Voting in European and local elections has commenced.

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern citizens have the opportunity to vote in two elections: one for the EU Parliament and another for district and municipal policies. A total of 1.36 million people will be casting their ballots.

An election letter with a ballot paper for the European elections.
An election letter with a ballot paper for the European elections.

European Union - Voting in European and local elections has commenced.

Over 1,600 polling stations were opened in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern on a Sunday morning, catering to 1.36 million eligible voters in the region. The northeastern state is among eight federal states hosting both European and regional elections. Voting is set to continue until 6:00 pm. This year, 16- and 17-year-olds are included in the European elections for the first time. About 17,900 staff members are responsible for ensuring a hassle-free election process.

Thousands of candidates are competing for the 520 seats in six district councils and two city councils in Rostock and Schwerin. The Interior Ministry predicts there will be around 10,000 municipal political positions up for grabs across the state. The final outcome of the elections will hinge on the results from these six districts and two free cities. In 2019, the CDU emerged as the leading local party with 25.4% of the votes. The only person from Mecklenburg-Vorpommern who made it to the European Parliament in 2019 was Niklas Nienaß, representing the Greens.

Election resources:

Read also:

  1. Voters in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania headed to one of the 1,600 polling stations distributed across the region to cast their ballots in both European Parliament and local elections.
  2. The EU Parliament elections in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania involve 16- and 17-year-olds for the first time, adding a new demographic to the list of eligible voters at the polling stations.
  3. In Schwerin, one of the two free cities in the state, voting will take place alongside local elections, playing a crucial role in determining the outcome of the elections for six district councils and city councils.
  4. The EU elections in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania take place alongside municipal elections, which will result in the filling of about 10,000 municipal political positions across various municipalities.

