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Von der Leyen welcomes Tusk back into the "European family"

EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has welcomed the return of the new Polish Prime Minister and former EU Council President Donald Tusk to the circle of EU leaders. "Your European experience will be invaluable to our European family," said von der Leyen at a joint press conference...

Donald Tusk and Ursula von der
Donald Tusk and Ursula von der

Von der Leyen welcomes Tusk back into the "European family"

"I welcome your commitment to put the rule of law at the top of a government's agenda and your determination to address all the concerns raised by the European Court of Justice and the Commission in recent years," said von der Leyen. A first payment of five billion euros for Poland is expected to be made before the end of the year.

In a statement, the EU Commission spoke of a net sum of 6.3 billion euros in the form of grants and loans, the payment of which Poland has now officially applied for. The money is to come from the European Corona Reconstruction Fund. Poland's funding from this had been put on hold due to the lack of independence of the Polish judiciary under the previous right-wing conservative government in Warsaw.

"Money is not the most important thing," said Tusk. "It's about our common values." The aid is recognition that Poland "takes the rule of law and the correct use of EU funds very seriously".

According to the Commission, the funds are primarily earmarked for investments in the energy sector, such as the expansion of renewables, hydrogen plants and modern energy storage systems. In addition, infrastructure projects such as faster internet and safer road traffic are to be supported.

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