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Von Angern: No parliamentary group member joins Wagenknecht party

Eva von Angern, Chairwoman of the Left Party parliamentary group in Saxony-Anhalt.

Von Angern: No parliamentary group member joins Wagenknecht party

The chairwoman of the Saxony-Anhalt Left Party parliamentary group, Eva von Angern, does not expect to switch to Sahra Wagenknecht's announced new party. "No member of my parliamentary group will join Wagenknecht's party," explained von Angern on Monday in response to an inquiry. "Our point of reference remains the people of Saxony-Anhalt. We make policy for them in the state parliament. The uninspired policies of the state government are leaving the people alone, especially those affected by high inflation. This is where we as the Left Party want to help." Saxony-Anhalt is governed by a coalition of CDU, SPD and FDP.

Politician Sahra Wagenknecht leaves the Left Party and founds her own party. "We have decided to found a new party because we are convinced that things cannot go on as they are at the moment," said the 54-year-old in Berlin on Monday. "Because otherwise we probably won't recognize our country in ten years' time." The party is to be founded at the beginning of 2024 and run in the European elections in June 2024.

Despite Sahra Wagenknecht leaving the Left Party to establish her own, Eva von Angern, the chairwoman of the Saxony-Anhalt Left Party parliamentary group, maintains that no members from her group will join Wagenknecht's new party. The focus of the Left Party in Saxony-Anhalt remains on serving the needs of their constituents in the state parliament, as they are dissatisfied with the state government's policies that exacerbate inflation issues, particularly for those most affected.


