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Volunteers honored in Dresden state parliament

Social Affairs Minister Petra Köpping (SPD) and State Parliament Vice President Andrea Dombois (CDU) honored the work of volunteers in the Saxon State Parliament on Saturday. The Saxons selected for their commitment - including, for example, a bereavement counselor from Dresden, a pastor from...

Society - Volunteers honored in Dresden state parliament

Social Affairs Minister Petra Köpping (SPD) and State Parliament Vice President Andrea Dombois (CDU) honored the work of volunteers in the Saxon State Parliament on Saturday. The Saxons selected for their commitment - including, for example, a bereavement counselor from Dresden, a pastor from Borsdorf (Leipzig district) and an everyday companion from Freital (Saxon Switzerland-Eastern Ore Mountains district) - received a certificate in the plenary hall of the state parliament, the Ministry of Social Affairs announced in Dresden on Saturday. Pupils from the Dresden-Bühlau grammar school helped to present the awards.

"The volunteers are involved in so many different areas, enriching the lives of their fellow human beings, giving hope, strength and help," said Köpping according to a statement. They turn a colorful and diverse society into a community and thus forge a close bond through society.

Dombois also paid tribute to the work of the volunteers. They are practical proof that voluntary commitment, care and charity are visible in our society. "If everyone just points the finger at each other, no one ultimately feels responsible." Particularly at a time when people are withdrawing into their private lives, it becomes clear where there is a lack of voluntary commitment.

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