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Vogt: "I'm not the new Wolfgang Kubicki"

Christopher Vogt wants to lead the FDP back into government in Schleswig-Holstein. The chances for the Liberals in the state elections are better than they have been for a long time. One thing still bothers him.

Faction leader Christopher Vogt wants to become FDP state leader.
Faction leader Christopher Vogt wants to become FDP state leader.

FDP state chairmanship - Vogt: "I'm not the new Wolfgang Kubicki"

After assuming the role of faction chairman, Christopher Vogt aims to take over the state chairmanship of the FDP in the fall. "We are already a special state party and have a corresponding reputation within the FDP," said the 40-year-old to the German Press Agency. The Nord-Liberals are more open than other state associations. "We talk to farmers just as we do to unions."

Vogt has been the deputy state chairman since 2011. The state leader Oliver Kumbartzky will not be running for re-election at the state party conference in November.

His likely successor Vogt succeeded Kubicki as faction leader in the state parliament in 2017. "We are very different types," said Vogt. They are in close contact, but they argue a lot. "I am not the new Wolfgang Kubicki, but Christopher Vogt." The current vice president of the Bundestag will continue to play a special role in the state association.

Better election results as a goal

Since the state election in 2022, the Liberals have no longer been part of the state government. According to Vogt's plans, this should change after the 2027 election. "We want to achieve better results towards the two-digit mark," said Vogt. "The FDP wants to take on government responsibility in Schleswig-Holstein again. At the next state election, the starting position for us will probably be better than in the previous election." In 2022, the Liberals achieved 6.4 percent in the north, while in 2017 they still had 11.5 percent.

Vogt criticized the coalition government between the CDU and the Greens. "Although the CDU has almost an absolute majority in the state parliament, they make excessive compromises with the Greens in almost all policy areas," said Vogt.

As an example, he cited refugee policy. "When we propose jointly with the SPD to centralize the immigration authorities in order to better control migration, we are harshly criticized by the Greens, and the CDU remains silent about it," said Vogt. "Behind the scenes, CDU parliamentarians tell us: 'We see it the same way as you, but we don't have the majority for it. That's certainly an absurd spectacle.'"

Vogt: Günther made a mistake

"Minister President Daniel Günther (CDU) made the wrong decision with the election of the Greens as coalition partners after the state election," said Vogt. "But Günther is not someone who likes to admit mistakes." The Union negotiated after the election with the FDP and the Greens. Günther wanted to continue governing with the Greens and FDP, despite the Union only lacking one vote for an absolute majority in the state parliament.

"The relationship with the Greens has certainly not improved since then, and it's not much better with the SPD and the South Schleswig Voters' Association," said Vogt. "Those are no longer the open, constructive Greens like under Robert Habeck, who seems to have changed in Berlin." Habeck was the Environment Minister in Schleswig-Holstein until 2018.

  1. Christopher Vogt, currently the faction chairman, aims to secure the national chairmanship of the FDP during the fall elections, as stated by him to the German Press Agency.
  2. The FDP in Schleswig-Holstein, under the leadership of Oliver Kumbartzky, is set to elect a new state chairman at the party conference in November, with Vogt as a potential candidate.
  3. The SPD, led by Daniel Günther in Schleswig-Holstein, formed a coalition government with the Greens after the 2022 state election, to the disappointment of the FDP and its faction leader Chris Vogt.
  4. Wolfgang Kubicki, the vice president of the Bundestag, held the faction leadership role in the state parliament before passing it on to Vogt in 2017, and continues to maintain a special position in the state association.
  5. The FDP, under the guidance of Vogt, aims to improve its election results, aspiring to achieve a two-digit percentage in the state election scheduled for 2027.
  6. Vogt criticizes the cooperation between the CDU and the Greens in Schleswig-Holstein, condemning their compromises on policies such as refugee policy, which adversely affects the FDP's standing.

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