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Vocational qualifications for around 890 nursing assistants

Since 2020, there are no longer separate training paths in nursing and geriatric care. Now the so-called generalistic training dominates, which offers graduates more opportunities to be deployed.

Widely applicable: There are no strict boundaries between elderly and general nursing in the...
Widely applicable: There are no strict boundaries between elderly and general nursing in the training program.

- Vocational qualifications for around 890 nursing assistants

Following a reform in vocational training for geriatric and nursing care, 889 trainees in these fields achieved a vocational qualification under the new rules for the first time last year. Almost all of them opted for the newly introduced general qualification as a nursing professional, as figures from the statistical office show. 874 trainees, around 98 percent, obtained this qualification. 15 trainees achieved a qualification specializing in health and children's nursing or geriatric care.

The vocational training in the various nursing fields was standardized nationwide in 2020. Previously, future nurses, geriatric, and children's nurses underwent different training courses. However, it is still possible to specialize in these areas even after the reform.

Last year, 1,706 future nurses began their training. There were 6.8 percent more training contracts concluded than in the previous year. As of the end of 2023, 3,926 young people were in training to become nursing professionals.

After the standardization of vocational training in nursing fields, there's a growing need for improved health care services. Consequently, many of these newly qualified nursing professionals are contributing significantly to the enhancement of health care services in various sectors.

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