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Virologist Drosten: Bird flu virus in USA could trigger next pandemic

In view of the spread of H5N1 in the USA, the chief virologist at Berlin's Charité hospital, Christian Drosten, has described the bird flu virus as a possible trigger for a coming pandemic. The pathogen has recently appeared in dairy herds in the USA and "has even appeared in dairy products on...

Virologist Christian Drosten
Virologist Christian Drosten

Virologist Drosten: Bird flu virus in USA could trigger next pandemic

The spread of bird flu among livestock could also "run its course harmlessly, as the virus needs several steps to adapt, and it might already be under control," Drosten continued. "But it could also be the beginning of the next pandemic that we're living through right now."

For a more accurate assessment, better data is needed, explained the virologist. "We still don't know how often people get infected who have contact with these infected chickens." It would be desirable if action was taken in the USA now: "Quarantine. That is, trying to isolate infected livestock; tracing contacts to see if they have antibodies in their blood. Thinking about certain hygiene measures. And also about vaccinating cattle."

Recently, an expert report criticized that the world was not prepared for future pandemics. "If H5N1 were to spread from bird to human, the world would likely be overwhelmed again," warned the former prime minister of New Zealand and co-author of the study, Helen Clark. A bird flu pandemic could "potentially be even more catastrophic than Corona."


Drosten, a renowned virologist from Charité, expressed concerns about the Avian flu virus H5N1, particularly its potential spread to humans. He stressed that while the virus might be under control among livestock in some cases, it could potentially trigger the next global pandemic. Editorial network Germany reported his statements, highlighting the need for better data, especially on human infections related to chicken contact. If the virus were to jump species, Drosten warned, the USA should consider immediate measures such as quarantine, contact tracing, hygiene improvements, and possibly cattle vaccination. The threat of a bird flu pandemic, according to former New Zealand prime minister Helen Clark, who co-authored an expert report, could be even more devastating than the Corona pandemic.

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