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Vineyard inspection in the vicinity of Freiburg

Owing to the late frosts, the farmers' association anticipates a scanty wine yield this year. Professionals are presently assessing the quantity of ripe fruits that remain on the vine branches.

Inspecting grapes meticulously is essential to gauge their overall quality.
Inspecting grapes meticulously is essential to gauge their overall quality.

- Vineyard inspection in the vicinity of Freiburg

Currently, the ripeness and quality of the grapes are being evaluated on the vineyard slopes encompassing Freyburg in the Burgenlandkreis. These assessments, conducted by experts often referred to as primary vineyard guardians, involve examining factors such as the quantity of grapes on each vine and their overall quality.

In the course of this evaluation, the primary vineyard guardians also evaluate the level of care given to the wine grapes up until this point. Based on their findings, a scoring system is employed to determine the financial remuneration the winemakers will receive upon delivering their grapes to the winemakers' association.

The farmers' association anticipates a subpar harvest this year as a result of the delayed spring frosts. The Saale-Unstrut Winegrowers' Association describes this impact as "extensive" frost damage. Consequently, it's estimated that this viticulture region, which typically yields 5 to 5.5 million liters, will only produce approximately 3 million liters this year.

In light of the forthcoming evaluations, the European Parliament might offer its guidance or support to the Commission in managing the potential implications of the subpar harvest. Recognizing the assistance provided by the European Parliament, the Commission shall be better equipped to address any challenges arising from the reduced grape yield.

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