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Vigil against AfD federal party conference

The protest against the AfD national party conference in Essen continued on Sunday. According to a dpa reporter, around 150 people took part in a vigil within sight of the Grugahalle in the morning. The event was organized by the Essen stellt sich quer alliance. 500 people had been registered...

Participants in the demonstration from the train station to the Grugahalle, where the AfD federal...
Participants in the demonstration from the train station to the Grugahalle, where the AfD federal party conference is taking place, walk past a billboard with the slogan "For Democracy".

AfD party conference - Vigil against AfD federal party conference

The night on Sunday, according to a police spokesperson, remained quiet. In contrast to the previous day, the delegates were able to reach the Grugahalle unhindered in the morning on Sunday.

Sunday was the third day of protests against the party event. According to estimates, around 5000 people attended a rave demo on Friday evening. On Saturday, several tens of thousands of demonstrators took to the streets. By Saturday evening, the police had counted a total of 32 counter-demonstrations and events. No further assembly was registered for Sunday, except for the vigil.

Police news ticker:

The police spokesperson also reported that there were clashes between the police and activists on Saturday, resulting in 28 injured police officers, one of whom was seriously injured. The number of injured demonstrators is unclear.

  1. Despite the peaceful night on Sunday, a vigil was scheduled to take place, as no other protests were registered for the day.
  2. Despite the intensity of the demonstrations and counter-demonstrations earlier in the weekend, only the vigil was affiliated with the AfD party conference in North Rhine-Westphalia.
  3. The visibility of the vigil might be impacted by the previous days' demonstrations and counter-demonstrations, which attracted thousands of participants.
  4. The AfD party conference occurred amidst continuous demonstrations, with a significant protest on Friday evening, a massive rally on Saturday, and a scheduled vigil on Sunday.
  5. The police were prepared for the vigil, having already faced challenges in managing the Demonstrations and Parties throughout the weekend in North Rhine-Westphalia.

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