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Video footage: Man masked under the stadium roof

A man climbs under the stadium roof during the European Championship match in Dortmund. The motive of the 21-year-old from Osnabrück is initially unclear. Pictures show that he was wearing a mask.

View of the Euro 2024 logo, wet from the rain.
View of the Euro 2024 logo, wet from the rain.

Crime - Video footage: Man masked under the stadium roof

The man, who climbed under the roof of Dortmund's stadium during the German EM-Quarterfinals, was disguised and carried a larger backpack, according to video recordings. The images published by the English newspaper "Daily Mail" show the man being arrested by the police. The officers had announced on Saturday evening after the game that it was a 21-year-old from Osnabrück. The police stressed that there was no danger to the spectators.

According to reports, the man climbed onto the roof of the stadium at 22:27 hours, that is, during the second half. The video recordings show that he climbed from the walkways under the stadium roof onto the rafters of the roof construction. So far, there is no information that the 21-year-old wanted to endanger the stadium visitors, the police statement read.

Security forces reportedly approached the man after the final whistle and spoke to him. A helicopter also illuminated the stadium roof. In the published video, the spectator stands can be seen for a short time at the moment of the arrest, and many spectators had already left the stadium at that time.

The incident raises questions about the security concept of the EM. There have been frequent incidents in recent days where spectators have gone onto the pitch to take photos with the players.

Police statement "Daily Mail" report

  1. The incident took place at Signal Iduna Park, famously known as Dortmund's stadium, during Germany's EM-Quarterfinals.
  2. The crime committed involved a 21-year-old from Osnabrück, who wasapprehended by the local police after climbing under the stadium roof.
  3. The stadium roof, a significant part of Westfalenstadion, saw an unusual event during the European Championship (EM) soccer game.
  4. The video recording of the incident showed the man climbing from the stadium's walkways onto the rafters of the roof construction.
  5. The security forces, including police and other law enforcers, were swift in their response and managed to apprehend the individual before any potential harm could be caused to the spectators in North Rhine-Westphalia.
  6. The Daily Mail, a well-known English newspaper, covered the event, highlighting the security measures that were successfully implemented during the German EM soccer match in Dortmund's Stadium.

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