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VHS courses also possible in Berlin prisons in future

Prisoners in Berlin will be able to benefit from educational programs offered by adult education centers (VHS) in the future. This is provided for in a cooperation agreement concluded by the two Senate Departments for Education and Justice in collaboration with the twelve adult education...

A barbed wire fence surrounds the grounds of a prison.
A barbed wire fence surrounds the grounds of a prison.

Education - VHS courses also possible in Berlin prisons in future

Prisoners in Berlin will be able to benefit from educational programs offered by adult education centers (VHS) in the future. This is provided for in a cooperation agreement concluded by the two Senate Departments for Education and Justice in collaboration with the twelve adult education centers and the prison system. As the Senate Department of Justice announced on Thursday, it will be possible in future for adult education center lecturers to offer their courses in closed prisons. "Participation in education is an important component of resocialization for prisoners," said Felor Badenberg, the non-partisan senator for justice, according to the press release.

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