VGH justifies ban on demo with "pretextual" motto
Following the back and forth surrounding a demonstration on Pogrom Night memorial day in Frankfurt, the Hessian Administrative Court (VGH) in Kassel justified its ban on Friday. The rally on Thursday evening had been registered under the title "Never again fascism - keep the memory of the pogrom night alive, fight anti-Semitism". However, this motto was "only a pretext", according to the VGH on Friday.
The applicant had organized a pro-Palestinian demonstration in Berlin, which led to riots. She had made criminally relevant statements about the Middle East conflict and condoned the crimes of Hamas. The announcement of the demonstration on social media also showed that it was not about remembering the pogrom night. Criminal acts were therefore to be expected and public safety was at risk.
According to the police, however, everything remained peaceful. At peak times, there were 25 participants on site. There had been no criminal speeches, flags or posters. By the time the ban order was issued, the assembly was already in the process of breaking up. With its decision, the VGH had enforced the city's original ban. In the meantime, the Frankfurt Administrative Court had overturned the ban.
Despite the successful peaceful demonstration in Berlin, the VGH in another case found justification for banning a demonstration due to extremist motives. In a controversial demonstration planned for Pogrom Night memorial day in Frankfurt, the VGH deemed the title "Never again fascism - keep the memory of the pogrom night alive, fight anti-Semitism" as merely a pretext for hiding extremist intentions.