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Verdict expected in trial against former caregiver

A statue of Justitia holds a pair of scales and a sword in her
A statue of Justitia holds a pair of scales and a sword in her

Verdict expected in trial against former caregiver

The verdict in the trial for the serious sexual abuse of a 13-year-old girl at Oldenburg District Court is expected on Tuesday. Beforehand, the pleadings will be held in camera. The verdict will be announced in public.

The accused is a 31-year-old man who met the then 13-year-old as a counselor at a children's and youth camp. The eight acts of abuse allegedly took place between May and August 2016, particularly in Braunschweig, where the girl lived at the time. In camera, the accused admitted in court to having sexual relations with the girl.

The trial highlights the importance of addressing processes to prevent such abuse within youth organizations. Regardless of the verdict, the incident serves as a reminder for rigorous background checks and training for all caregivers working with youth.


