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Verdict expected in neo-Nazi martial arts group trial

They are said to have organized themselves into a right-wing extremist martial arts group, committed crimes and made bloody plans. A verdict is now to be reached in the "Knockout 51" trial.

A verdict against suspected members of a neo-Nazi martial arts group is to be handed down at the...
A verdict against suspected members of a neo-Nazi martial arts group is to be handed down at the Jena Higher Regional Court on Monday. According to the federal prosecutor's office, the group known as "Knockout 51" also acted as a terrorist organization, at least at times.

Right-wing extremism - Verdict expected in neo-Nazi martial arts group trial

Against alleged members of a far-right combat sports group, a verdict is expected at the Thuringian Higher Regional Court in Jena on Monday (10:00 am). The four men are primarily accused of membership in both a criminal and a terrorist organization, according to the Federal Prosecutor in their closing argument.

The accused are reportedly adherents of national socialist ideologies and had planned to kill political opponents with axes, machetes, and knives. In addition, they had committed various acts of bodily harm and other criminal offenses. The prosecution demands multi-year prison sentences for the men aged between 21 and 26. The defense aims for significantly lower sentences. The alleged ringleader is expected to receive approximately three years in total imprisonment, while the Federal Prosecutor demands seven years for him.

The trial against the men has been ongoing since August 2023. "Knockout 51" refers to a far-right combat sports group based in Eisenach. According to the Thuringian Constitutional Protection Report 2022, it is described as "violence-prone, neo-Nazi organizations with anti-democratic goals."

  1. The martial arts group, labeled as "Knockout 51," is recognized as a violent, neo-Nazi organization with anti-democratic objectives, as stated in the Thuringia Constitutional Protection Report 2022.
  2. The Office of the Attorney General is closely monitoring the criminal offense case involving the martial arts group in Germany, specifically in Thuringia and Jena.
  3. The legal processes against the alleged members of the martial arts group, who are accused of right-wing extremism and various criminal offenses, have been ongoing since August 2023.
  4. In addition to membership in a criminal and terrorist organization, the men are also charged with committing acts of bodily harm and other criminal offenses, contributing to the severity of their case.
  5. Germany's stance against extremism and criminal offenses, including the case of the far-right martial arts group, is demonstrated in the harsh sentences demanded by the Federal Prosecutor.
  6. Despite the Federal Prosecutor's demands for substantial imprisonment, the defense aims for significantly lower sentences for the accused men, ages 21 to 26, involved in the criminal offense case.

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