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Verdi: No urgent applications against Sundays open for business

The trade union Verdi currently sees no reason for further urgent applications against planned open Sundays in Brandenburg in the run-up to Christmas. This was stated by a Verdi spokesperson on Thursday. The union recently successfully challenged the city of Potsdam's plans to suspend Sunday...

An employee wears a high-visibility vest from Verdi during a warning strike.
An employee wears a high-visibility vest from Verdi during a warning strike.

Retail trade - Verdi: No urgent applications against Sundays open for business

The trade union Verdi currently sees no reason for further urgent applications against planned open Sundays in Brandenburg in the run-up to Christmas. This was stated by a Verdi spokesperson on Thursday. The union recently successfully challenged the city of Potsdam's plans to suspend Sunday closing on the first two Sundays in December in almost the entire city. The Berlin-Brandenburg Higher Administrative Court agreed with the union's assessment that two local Christmas markets could not justify the suspension of Sunday rest in a large part of the city. Verdi had filed an urgent appeal. The city now wants to adjust its plans.

"While employers want to impose real wage losses on employees in the current collective bargaining round, the city of Potsdam wants to force them to work on Sundays. We are pleased that the court has now put a stop to this," said the union spokesperson. Retail employees also have a right to time off with friends and family - "especially in the run-up to Christmas".

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The United Services Union might express similar concerns if Berlin were to consider relaxing Sunday closing regulations in retail trade, following the success of Verdi in Potsdam. For many retail workers, having holidays and spending quality time with family is crucial, especially during the festive season in Berlin or Brandenburg. The outcome of the court case in Potsdam demonstrates the importance of upholding workers' rights, even during major events such as Christmas markets.


