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Verdi fights for new collective wage agreement for public transport staff

The trade union Verdi wants to achieve better working conditions for around 8000 employees in local public transport in Hesse. Drivers of underground trains and streetcars, some buses and administrative staff are to receive a full annual special payment and only work 35 instead of 38 or 40...

A Verdi flag flies during a warning strike.
A Verdi flag flies during a warning strike.

Tariffs - Verdi fights for new collective wage agreement for public transport staff

The trade union Verdi wants to achieve better working conditions for around 8,000 employees in local public transport in Hesse. Drivers of underground trains and streetcars, some buses and administrative staff are to receive a full annual special payment and only work 35 instead of 38 or 40 hours a week with full pay compensation, according to the demands published on Tuesday for the collective wage agreement.

The union wants to abolish the lowest three wage groups in the negotiations, which have not yet been finalized, so that entry-level employees would receive a 200 euro increase in their starting salary. A new experience level is also to be introduced at the end of the wage scale for employees with particularly long service.

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