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Verdi expects warning strikes in local transport in the southwest

Commuters will have to be prepared for canceled buses and trains over the next few weeks. The collective bargaining round in local transport starts at the end of January.

An employee wears a high-visibility vest from Verdi during a warning strike.
An employee wears a high-visibility vest from Verdi during a warning strike.

Tariffs - Verdi expects warning strikes in local transport in the southwest

Verdi regional head Martin Gross is preparing commuters for warning strikes by bus and train drivers in the upcoming collective bargaining round for local public transport companies. Work stoppages will also be necessary to achieve a good result, Gross told the German Press Agency in Stuttgart. "Of course, this will also affect passengers." The union is aiming for a reduction in weekly working hours in the talks on the collective wage agreement, which are due to start at the end of January, without putting a specific figure on it. The current working week is 39 hours.

Gross continued: "Unpaid working hours for delays and unpaid travel times within the company characterize the work of drivers. In addition, there are split shifts, which put a considerable strain on employees' family lives." And there is pay that does not reflect the daily stress at the wheel and the responsibility for passengers. According to the Verdi regional head, the first signals from the employers' camp indicate that a tough round of collective bargaining is to be expected.

In Baden-Württemberg, more than 6500 employees in seven local transport companies are affected by the wage talks, according to the Baden-Württemberg Municipal Employers' Association (KAV). The association already rejected the demand at the beginning of December. "A reduction in working hours would exacerbate our staff shortage," said KAV representative Stephanie Schulze. The employees are needed to drive forward the transport transition and enable the reliable use of local public transport.

Gross emphasized: "We need thousands of new drivers for the doubling of public transport by 2030 that the state government is aiming for." No turnaround in transport without personnel. No climate protection without a transport turnaround. Other important demands in Baden-Württemberg are bonuses. "The driving service, of all areas, has not yet had a shift allowance, although employees in this area start their daily work at different times." In order to improve pay, Verdi is also demanding an increase in vacation pay and a local transport allowance.

The nationwide talks in Baden-Württemberg affect the municipal transport companies in Stuttgart, Karlsruhe, Heilbronn, Freiburg, Baden-Baden, Esslingen and Constance.

Verdi Baden-Württemberg

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