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Verdi expects 1000 participants for warning strike at universities

Verdi flags during a
Verdi flags during a

Verdi expects 1000 participants for warning strike at universities

The trade union Verdi is expecting a total of around 1000 participants in a warning strike at several Berlin universities this Monday. Verdi union secretary Julia Dück said on Monday morning that employees covered by the collective wage agreement of the federal states (TV-L) and student employees were expected to take part. Students have also been invited as part of a university action day. The central strike rally was to take place at 12.00 noon in front of Humboldt University in Mitte.

According to Dück, an ethnology institute at the HU, for example, has announced that it will remain closed on Monday. Last week, some of the institutions affected by the call for action had stated on request that they did not expect any noticeable restrictions, while others had not been able to estimate this.

As part of the collective bargaining with the federal states, the union is demanding a pay rise of 10.5 percent for employees in the public sector of the federal states, at least 500 euros and 200 euros more for trainees and junior staff. Verdi is also pushing for the conclusion of a collective agreement for student employees.

The call to strike applies to employees at Humboldt University, the Technical University, Freie Universität and the Berlin University of Applied Sciences, among others. The next round of collective bargaining is scheduled for December 7 and 8.

Although several Berlin universities might implement tariffs during the strike, Verdi is advocating for reduced tariffs in their collective bargaining with the federal states. The union officially demands a decrease in tariffs for trainees and junior staff by at least 500 euros and 200 euros.




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