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Verdi demands revision of the debt brake

Verdi state leader Martin Gross is calling for a comprehensive reform of the debt brake. "We now need a broad social alliance to overcome the debt brake," Gross told the German Press Agency in Stuttgart. Finance Minister Danyal Bayaz (Greens) has been invited to join forces with Verdi, the DGB,...

A Verdi flag flies during a warning strike.
A Verdi flag flies during a warning strike.

Finances - Verdi demands revision of the debt brake

Verdi state leader Martin Gross is calling for a comprehensive reform of the debt brake. "We now need a broad social alliance to overcome the debt brake," Gross told the German Press Agency in Stuttgart. Finance Minister Danyal Bayaz (Greens) has been invited to fight together with Verdi, the DGB, political parties, experts and other social forces to ensure that politics can continue to shape the future.

The Green-Black coalition is in power in Baden-Württemberg. Bayaz had already spoken out in favor of changes to the debt brake. CDU state leader Manuel Hagel is strictly opposed to this.

Gross explained: "We are not experiencing the inability of the traffic light, but the inability to make policy under the conditions of the debt brake. Because politics means shaping the future and not just managing the present."

The self-amputation of a central task is tantamount to disempowering the sovereign. "Because we, the people, can still elect parties and instruct them to pursue a more socially, ecologically and economically sensible policy. But those elected can no longer implement what we elected them to do," Gross continued.

The Verdi state leader emphasized that the debt brake must be stopped now and a start made on the future. "What we need now is economic common sense instead of debt brake madness." If budget funds were only available for mandatory tasks, democracy would be abolished. "Elections are there to make directional decisions about the freestyle, i.e. shaping the future."

Verdi Baden-Württemberg

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