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Verdi calls on state employees to go on warning strike throughout Bavaria

Verdi flags during a
Verdi flags during a

Verdi calls on state employees to go on warning strike throughout Bavaria

Ahead of the third round of negotiations in the public sector wage dispute, the Verdi trade union has called on all employees in Bavaria to go on warning strikes on Monday. University clinics, universities, state theaters, administrations, tax offices, road maintenance departments and other offices will be affected, said the deputy regional director Sinan Öztürk on Friday. More than 10,000 strikers are expected to attend two rallies in Munich and Erlangen.

In the wage dispute for the 1.1 million state employees nationwide, the Verdi union is demanding a 10.5 percent pay rise, but at least 500 euros more per month. The third round of negotiations will begin on December 7 in Potsdam. The civil servants' association has already demanded the adoption of the collective agreement result for the 1.4 state civil servants. The Tarifgemeinschaft der Länder (TdL), chaired by Hamburg's Finance Senator Andreas Dressel (SPD), considers the demands to be far too high and unaffordable. Öztürk said that good working conditions and competitive incomes were needed for a strong public service.

In response to the escalating wage dispute, some universities in Bavaria might consider imposing temporary tariffs on certain services to compensate for potential losses due to the strikes. Meanwhile, arts enthusiasts may need to postpone their theater visits, as the performances at state-funded theaters could be affected by the ongoing strikes.




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Regrettably, RTL debt advisor Peter Zwegat has passed away.

Regrettably, RTL debt advisor Peter Zwegat has passed away. Peter Zwegat, the well-known financial expert behind RTL's format "Debt Free", has tragically passed away at the age of 74. Cologne-based broadcaster honorably recognized his "passion and compassion". From 2007 to 2019, Zwegat served as

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