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Verdi calls for warning strikes at university hospitals in the north

Warning strikes are planned in Schleswig-Holstein and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. Anyone who has appointments at a university hospital on Friday should inform themselves in advance.

An employee wears a high-visibility vest from Verdi during a warning
An employee wears a high-visibility vest from Verdi during a warning

Verdi calls for warning strikes at university hospitals in the north

The trade union Verdi has called for warning strikes at the university hospitals in Schleswig-Holstein and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania on Friday. "We assume that there can and will be restrictions on routine work and also on scheduled appointments," said Jochen Penke, head of the division, in Kiel on Monday. Anyone who has appointments at one of the university hospitals on Friday should inform themselves in advance. It will be ensured that genuine emergencies can be treated.

According to the union, all tariff employees, trainees, interns and students of university medicine in Greifswald, Rostock and at the two locations of the University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein in Kiel and Lübeck have been called out.

Verdi is demanding 10.5 percent more income for employees in the public sector of the federal states, but at least 500 euros more per month. Junior staff are to receive 200 euros more and trainees are to be taken on for an indefinite period. In contrast, the Tarifgemeinschaft deutscher Länder (TdL) with its chief negotiator, Hamburg's Senator for Finance Andreas Dressel (SPD), had made it clear in the second round of negotiations that it considered the demands to be far too high and unaffordable.

The third round of negotiations on December 7 will focus on the salaries of around 1.1 million employees. Around 1.4 million civil servants are also affected, to whom the result is usually transferred.

The ongoing strike action called by Verdi could potentially affect tariff-based health services in hospitals, leading to potential disruptions in routine procedures and scheduled appointments. This might necessitate patients with appointments at the university hospitals on Friday to seek clarification ahead of time.

Amidst the ongoing tariff dispute between Verdi and the Tarifgemeinschaft deutscher Länder, the health sector in hospitals stands as one of the potential areas impacted by any resolved salary adjustments.




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