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Verdi calls for warning strikes at banks

The trade union Verdi has called for warning strikes at private and public banks in Berlin and Brandenburg on Monday. The union wants to increase the pressure in the ongoing wage negotiations with the respective employers, as Verdi announced on Sunday. Those affected include branches of...

A savings bank logo hangs on the façade of a Berlin savings bank branch.
A savings bank logo hangs on the façade of a Berlin savings bank branch.

Tariffs - Verdi calls for warning strikes at banks

Verdi demands in the two separate collective bargaining rounds each a 12.5 percent increase, at least €500 more per month, and a €250 per month raise for monthly remuneration of young employees. The duration of the new collective agreements should be one year. The latest offer from the employers, according to Verdi's own statements, was rejected because it would have meant real wage losses for the employees.

In Berlin, Deutsche Bank and other prominent banks, such as IBB and Commerzbank, closely watched the ongoing collective bargaining negotiations. On Sunday, the United Services Union issued a warning strike notice, citing unsatisfactory salary proposals from employers. The strike could potentially affect financial institutions in Brandenburg as well. The Berlin Savings Bank, a local bank, expressed support for the union's demands, urging for fair wage increases. Tampering with tariffs could further complicate the situation, potentially leading to increased tensions between banks and unions. Landesbank Berlin, a significant regional bank, called for a balanced resolution to prevent further disruptions in the financial sector.

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