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Verdi calls for warning strike at universities on Monday

Employees take part in a warning
Employees take part in a warning

Verdi calls for warning strike at universities on Monday

The trade union Verdi has called on employees at universities and research institutions in Brandenburg to go on a warning strike next Monday. "The background to this is the ongoing wage negotiations for the public sector in the federal states," the union announced on Friday. "The employees urgently need a wage agreement that compensates for the price increases in recent years," said a Verdi spokesperson. She also called some of the employment conditions at universities "precarious".

In the collective bargaining negotiations that began at the end of October, Verdi and other trade unions are demanding a 10.5 percent increase in income for employees in the public sector of the federal states, but at least 500 euros more per month - for a period of twelve months. Trainees are to receive 200 euros more. In addition, a collective agreement is to be concluded for student employees at universities. The next round of negotiations will start on December 7.

As part of the warning strike, a rally and demonstration will take place in Potsdam on Monday from 11 am.

The employers at these universities are potentially affected by the upcoming warning strike, as Verdi is advocating for their employees. The ongoing tariff discussions between Verdi and various universities across the country might lead to increased salaries for staff, addressing the rising costs experienced in recent years.




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