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Verdi calls for warning strike at Amazon on Black Friday

Employees at five out of 20 Amazon locations in Germany are planning to go on warning strike on Thursday night. What the union wants to achieve.

Strikers stand with Verdi flags in front of a distribution center of the online retailer Amazon
Strikers stand with Verdi flags in front of a distribution center of the online retailer Amazon in Leipzig. (archive picture)

Verdi calls for warning strike at Amazon on Black Friday

The trade union Verdi has called for an all-day warning strike at five Amazon locations in Germany to mark the Black Friday discount day. The strike will start at the beginning of the night shift from Thursday to Friday at the five logistics centers in Koblenz, Leipzig, Rheinberg near Duisburg, Dortmund and Bad Hersfeld, the union announced on Thursday.

Amazon reaffirmed that customers could rely on punctual deliveries despite the warning strike.

In addition to the demand to recognize the collective wage agreements of the retail and mail order sector, Verdi is also calling for Amazon to sign a "collective agreement for good and healthy work". "Employees report enormous pressure to perform and a work intensification and surveillance in the workplace that creates a climate of fear, especially in the fulfillment centers," criticized the union. Employees are therefore fighting for good working conditions and recognition.

Amazon operates 20 large logistics centers in Germany. The company argues that it offers its employees fair wages with additional benefits.

Despite the union's call for a warning strike on Black Friday, customers can still rely on Internet-based mail order deliveries from Amazon due to the company's large-scale retail trade operations. In an effort to improve working conditions and employee well-being, Verdi is pushing for Amazon to sign a collective agreement for good and healthy work, which includes recognition of wage agreements from the retail trade and mail order sector.




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