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Verdi: Call for strike in retail on the day before Christmas

In the deadlocked wage dispute in the retail sector, the Verdi trade union is calling on employees in Lower Saxony to go on warning strike just before Christmas. On the last shopping day before Christmas Eve, Saturday, December 23, employees across the state are to strike. The call to strike...

"Warning strike!" is written on a sign.
"Warning strike!" is written on a sign.

Tariffs - Verdi: Call for strike in retail on the day before Christmas

In the deadlocked wage dispute in the retail sector, the Verdi trade union is calling on employees in Lower Saxony to go on warning strike just before Christmas. On the last shopping day before Christmas Eve, Saturday, December 23, employees across the state are to strike. The call to strike was confirmed by a Verdi spokesperson in Hanover on Tuesday evening. A central rally is also planned. Details are not yet known. Several media outlets, including NDR, had previously reported this.

In the collective bargaining round, which has been ongoing for months, the union is demanding 2.50 euros more pay and wages per hour for 330,000 employees in the retail sector in Lower Saxony and 28,000 in Bremen, but at least 13.50 euros per hour. For wholesale and foreign trade, the union is demanding an increase of 13 percent, at least 400 euros.

The employers recently referred to the continuing tense situation in the retail sector. In view of the deadlocked conflict, the German Retail Association (HDE) had recommended that companies voluntarily increase wages by 5.3 percent before an official agreement was reached. Verdi rejects this as too low.

Verdi on the current round of collective bargaining

Read also:

  1. The Saint's Eve shopping spree might be disrupted due to the announced warning strike by Verdi in the retail trade sector in Lower Saxony, as reported by several media outlets including NDR.
  2. The United Services Union, Verdi, has been in a wage dispute with employers in the retail trade for months, with Verdi demanding a significant wage increase on Christmas eve.
  3. Despite the German Retail Association (HDE) recommending voluntary wage increases, Verdi has rejected this proposal as insufficient in the ongoing tariff dispute with employers.
  4. The tension in the retail sector continues, and the Verdi trade union is planning a central rally in Hanover to protest the current wage negotiation stalemate.
  5. The potential warning strike on the last shopping day before Christmas in Hanover could significantly impact Christmas sales in the retail trade sector, adding to the ongoing uncertainty during this critical trading period.


