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Verdi: Around 400 bank employees go on warning strike

The background to the warning strike is collective bargaining. According to Verdi, bank branches in Hamburg remained closed. The employer side initially had no information on this.

Bank employees go on warning strike according to Verdi.
Bank employees go on warning strike according to Verdi.

Collective bargaining - Verdi: Around 400 bank employees go on warning strike

According to the union Verdi, around 400 employees from private banks in Hamburg participated in a warning strike. Bank branches were closed, as a Verdi union secretary stated. Affected were banks, according to union statements, Commerzbank, Deutsche Bank and UniCredit. Verdi had called for the two-day warning strike. Employees of the Hamburg Sparkasse were to continue the full-day warning strike on Tuesday. A demonstration is planned.

Background of the warning strike are two wage negotiations. Verdi is negotiating with the employers' association of the private banking industry (AGV Banken) and the Federal Association of Public Banks in Germany. Verdi demands a 12.5% increase in wages for employees of private and public banks over a period of twelve months, at least 500 euros more per month.

The main managing director of the AGV Banken, Carsten Rogge-Strang, could not make any statements on the effects of the warning strike at first. The private banks offer an 8.5% increase in wages over a period of 36 months, Rogge-Strang confirmed. Verdi states that the public banks offer a 9.5% increase in wages over a period of 43 months.

  1. The warning strike affected several banking institutions in Hamburg, including Commerzbank, Deutsche Bank, and UniCredit, as mentioned by the union's statements.
  2. The Union Verdi, which represents private bank employees, conducted a two-day warning strike to back their demand for a 12.5% wage increase over twelve months.
  3. The AGV Banken, the employers' association of the private banking industry, is engaged in collective bargaining with Verdi, though their main managing director, Carsten Rogge-Strang, initially remained silent on the impact of the strike.
  4. The striking employees, including those from Commerzbank and Deutsche Bank branches in Hamburg, are seeking a minimum increase of 500 euros per month, according to Verdi's demands.
  5. The private banks, as confirmed by Rogge-Strang, have countered with a proposal of an 8.5% wage increase over a period of 36 months.
  6. The United Services Union, another union in the banking sector, may also join forces with Verdi for a demonstration, as per plans that are likely to escalate the situation further in Hamburg.

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