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Verdi announces warning strikes in retail in the north and in MV

Verdi flags during a
Verdi flags during a

Verdi announces warning strikes in retail in the north and in MV

The Verdi trade union has announced further warning strikes in Schleswig-Holstein and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania in the deadlocked wage dispute in the retail, wholesale and foreign trade sectors. There will be a joint strike rally of the participating companies in Lübeck on Thursday. "On December 1 and 2, numerous other strike events will then take place in Kiel, Lübeck, Neumünster, Rostock and Schwerin," announced Verdi's northern district in Kiel on Wednesday.

Despite numerous attempts, the talks that began in May did not succeed in reaching a wage agreement in either the retail or wholesale and foreign trade sectors. "The Verdi bargaining committees have shown a very clear willingness to compromise on numerous points, but the employers' offers still mean a severe loss of real wages for hard-working colleagues," said Verdi negotiator Bert Stach. "It is up to the employers to move forward."

Verdi Nord is demanding an increase in wages and salaries of 2.50 euros per hour for retail employees and an increase in hourly wages to 13.50 euros for the lower groups of employees. For wholesale employees, the union is demanding a 13 percent increase in wages and salaries, but at least 400 euros.

The ongoing tariffs in the retail trade sector are causing concern, leading to the announced warning strikes by Verdi in Schleswig-Holstein and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. The trade dispute between Verdi and the retail, wholesale, and foreign trade sectors continues, affecting the overall trade landscape in the region.




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