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Verdi advocates for a cautionary work stoppage in municipal daycare facilities.

One tenth of Berlin's daycare centers are facing childcare restrictions on Thursday. The union Verdi is urging 7600 employees of municipal daycare centers to participate in a warning strike, to highlight their request for improved working conditions and relief for staff. This impacts 282...

An employee wears a high-visibility vest from Verdi during a warning strike.
An employee wears a high-visibility vest from Verdi during a warning strike.

Labor disputes lead to work stoppages. - Verdi advocates for a cautionary work stoppage in municipal daycare facilities.

A spokesperson from Verdi stated that it's likely some kindergartens will need to shut down. The exact number of affected kindergartens hasn't been determined yet. There's been no consensus between the union and the government on a temporary care solution for kids. Consequently, some parents may have to explore other options for their children.

Verdi is seeking a collective bargaining agreement that guarantees high-quality education in kindergartens as well as helping to alleviate stress. Proposals include setting maximum group sizes, providing compensation for stress-inducing situations, and offering superior training. However, the Senate has refused to arrange discussions on these matters, instead pointing out that Berlin is part of the Tariff Community of German States (TdL) and can't make decisions independently.

About 2,900 kindergartens operate in Berlin, with a majority of them run by non-profit organizations. These centers cater to approximately 165,000 children.

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