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VCD: Germany ticket does not yet bring about a turnaround in transportation

Transport Minister Wissing celebrates the Deutschlandticket as a great success. For the German Ecological Transport Association, however, the traffic light measures are far from sufficient to do justice to climate protection.

How can we achieve the transport turnaround? The Deutschlandticket alone is not enough, says
How can we achieve the transport turnaround? The Deutschlandticket alone is not enough, says the

VCD: Germany ticket does not yet bring about a turnaround in transportation

The German Ecological Transport Association (VCD) has given the traffic light coalition a mixed mid-term review. The SPD, Greens and FDP had set out with the aim of bringing about a new departure in transport policy - but the federal government has so far only achieved this to a limited extent, said VCD national chairwoman Kerstin Haarmann in a statement. The contradictions within the coalition are too great.

With the introduction of the Deutschlandticket, the "traffic light" coalition has had one success. "But that alone does not make a turnaround in transportation," said Haarmann. More money and binding targets are needed for the expansion of the railways. The VCD took a positive view of the reformed truck toll, through which more money is to flow into the rail infrastructure.

The federal budget also provided for more money for the railways in the coming year. However, since the budget ruling by the Federal Constitutional Court, there has been a large gap in the budget. As a result, the planned funding for the railways could also be cut.

According to the VCD, Germany is making no progress on climate protection in the transport sector. "For the second year in a row, transport emissions are rising and exceeding the requirements of the Climate Protection Act. But instead of holding Transport Minister Wissing to account, the traffic lights are scrapping the sector targets and releasing the minister from responsibility," criticized the association. The VCD criticized Wissing's immediate climate protection programme as "unambitious and ineffective". His adherence to combustion engines and e-fuels "threatens to result in penalties running into billions when it comes to EU burden sharing", said Haarmann.

In terms of road safety, the traffic lights remain "in stand-by mode". "Almost 3,000 people still die on the roads every year. Yet the most effective measure, the speed limit, is still taboo," criticized the association with regard to freeways.

The lack of significant progress in reducing traffic emissions has led the VCD to criticize the traffic light coalition's handling of the transport sector. Despite the introduction of the Deutschlandticket, which is a type of Germany ticket, the VCD believes more investment and binding targets are required to enhance the railways. Moreover, the envisioned expansion of the railways could be impacted due to a budget deficit resulting from the Federal Constitutional Court's ruling.


