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Vatican: Cardinal sentenced to five and a half years in prison for embezzlement

A court in the Vatican has sentenced a once influential Italian cardinal to five and a half years in prison for financial crimes. The 75-year-old Angelo Becciu, former close advisor to Pope Francis, was convicted of embezzlement, abuse of office and witness tampering, as court president...

Cardinal Angelo Becciu at the Vatican on Palm Sunday
Cardinal Angelo Becciu at the Vatican on Palm Sunday

Vatican: Cardinal sentenced to five and a half years in prison for embezzlement

Becciu, who was once considered a possible candidate for the papacy himself, was removed from office in September 2020 due to the financial scandal and had to give up his cardinal privileges. In addition to the embezzlement of funds in the case of a cleric kidnapped in Mali, the main issue was the Vatican's purchase of a luxury property in London worth 350 million euros.

Becciu always denied all allegations. In November 2022, during the trial, it became public that Becciu secretly recorded a telephone conversation with Francis, presumably to exonerate himself.

In addition to Becciu, nine other defendants had to stand trial. The accusations range from embezzlement and abuse of office to corruption. Public prosecutor Alessandro Diddi had demanded seven years and three months in prison for Becciu and between almost four and 13 years for the other defendants. In addition to his prison sentence, Becciu was fined 8,000 euros.

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