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Vandalized campaign signs and ruined promotional materials.

The Ministry of the Interior has reported multiple incidents targeting politicians along with over a thousand destroyed election posters throughout the European and local election campaign. Interior Minister Tamara Zieschang (CDU) stated in the state parliament that 21 criminal offenses were...

Tamara Zieschang (CDU) Minister of the Interior and Sport of Saxony-Anhalt speaks to MPs in the...
Tamara Zieschang (CDU) Minister of the Interior and Sport of Saxony-Anhalt speaks to MPs in the state parliament. According to the Ministry of the Interior, there had once again been attacks on elected representatives and election posters during the election campaign.

Interior Ministry restated their commitment to maintaining security and order in the country. - Vandalized campaign signs and ruined promotional materials.

Almost 1500 election posters have endured damage or have vanished. Out of this number, nearly half were for the AfD party, as stated by the Interior Minister. It's important to note that all political parties in the state parliament have fallen victim to such incidents.

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