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Vandalism at bus stops causes extensive damage

Vandalism at bus stops costs Hessian transport companies a lot of money. According to the Frankfurt am Main transport company (VGF), for example, this causes damage of over one million euros every year. The company now wants to draw attention to the problem with a prevention concept. To this...

"Please smile" is written on the back of an information board at the Harthweg stop.
"Please smile" is written on the back of an information board at the Harthweg stop.

Railroad - Vandalism at bus stops causes extensive damage

Vandalism at bus stops costs Hessian transport companies a lot of money. According to the Frankfurt am Main transport company (VGF), for example, this causes damage of over one million euros every year. The company now wants to draw attention to the problem with a prevention concept. To this end, VGF has put up posters at four stops in the city that have been damaged particularly often in the past.

"I'm standing in the rain because of you" is one of the messages. Another: "523 portions of fries - That's how much a new window costs at this stop". They are intended to provide more insight, consideration and deterrence at the stops "Harthweg", "Waldfriedhof Goldstein" and "Waldau" at Stadtwald in Schwanheim as well as at the "Walter-Kolb-Siedlung" stop on Friedberger Landstraße in Bornheim.

There are also problems with vandalism elsewhere. The Nordhessischer Verkehrsverbund (NVV) reports mainly on broken glass. In 2023, around 1,000 cases of vandalism damage to train stations and bus stops have been recorded in the NVV area so far, said a spokeswoman.

In Darmstadt, glass damage to passenger shelters, ticket machines and digital passenger information (DFI) displays is the biggest problem. "On average, between 100 and 200 streetcar stops are damaged every year," explained a spokesperson for the transport company Heag mobilo. The company has an annual loss of around 50,000 to 80,000 euros due to vandalism. "In 2023, it was around 50,000 euros so far."

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