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Vacation and switching off: Pupils receive report cards

Poor grades, not promoted? Report cards will be issued in North Rhine-Westphalia on Friday - and before that, tips and offers to help children and young people deal with frustration and failure.

If the report card is poor, experts warn that pupils do not need pressure, but support.
If the report card is poor, experts warn that pupils do not need pressure, but support.

School year ends - Vacation and switching off: Pupils receive report cards

When this Friday marks the end of the school year in North Rhine-Westfalen with report cards, there will be radiant faces, but also tears, frustration, and disappointment among students. The Education and Welfare Association NRW emphasizes that students who bring home poor grades or even the message "not promoted" need support. "Parents and teachers are encouraged to help children and adolescents not face these failure experiences alone and to build them up in this difficult situation," urged Anne Deimel, the chairwoman of the Education Union VBE.

Personal worth is not determined by report card grades

It can be helpful to make agreements on meaningful study times and study content during the holidays and to show children and adolescents tangible perspectives for the next school year. Pressure due to the cancellation of holiday activities, however, rarely leads to success, Anne Deimel pointed out in a statement. "It's not effective to try to catch up on learning deficits right at the beginning of the holidays and to keep buffing. Balance is crucial."

The VBE emphasized: "Children and adolescents who learn that their personal worth is not solely dependent on report card grades can develop strong personalities, which in turn boosts their learning and performance motivation." Students are challenged daily with their learning and workload. Children and adolescents need downtime and relaxation just as much as adults. "They too need to clear their heads to start the new school year with renewed energy and motivation."

"Number to the Rescue" is ready

Students and parents can also use the support offers of "Number to the Rescue," as the nationwide consulting association is called. Confiding in someone when uncertain, doubting oneself, or worried about a negative reaction from parents can relieve children and adolescents and reduce fears. In most cases, a strategy can be developed together and a solution found – anonym and confidentially, by phone, email, or chat. Parents can also call the Parents' Helpline for advice and support – if they are disappointed or need tips on how to best support their children in difficult phases.

Not only before report card issuance, but throughout the year did performance pressure, stress at school, fear of failure, or conflicts with parents play a significant role for many students. The "Number to the Rescue" is always ready. The Ministry of Education in Düsseldorf emphasized that in addition, the anonymous and free consultation and counseling services of the five district administrations in NRW and the School Psychological Service are also available for talks and advice.

  1. For students in Wuppertal, North Rhine-Westphalia, the Education and upbringing association 'Nummer gegen Kummer e.V.' provides support during challenging school years, offering advice and confidential help through their service "Number to the Rescue."
  2. During the summer break, it's essential to strike a balance between educational activities and relaxation for children and adolescents in schools across NRW, such as those in Dortmund, to avoid unnecessary stress and maintain their motivation for the upcoming school year.
  3. The Chairwoman of the Education Union VBE, Anne Deimel, underlines that certificates and grades should not define a student's personal worth, encouraging parents and teachers to support students in Wuppertal and other cities in NRW who may have encountered difficulties during the school year.
  4. The 'Number to the Rescue' service, a nationwide consulting association based in North Rhine-Westphalia, has been providing essential support to students facing difficulties, including performance pressure, stress, fear of failure, and conflicts with parents, throughout the whole school year.
  5. Parents and teachers in Wuppertal and other cities in North Rhine-Westphalia can turn to various resources for assistance during challenging times, such as the consultation and counseling services offered by the Ministry of Education in Düsseldorf and the School Psychological Service in different district administrations.

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