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Vacation amid Coronavirus quarantine is not compensating.

The Federal Labor Court remains busy addressing labor disputes from the pandemic era. One current case involves employees' vacation allowances.

Ein Weg führt zum Eingang des Bundesarbeitsgerichts in Erfurt.
Ein Weg führt zum Eingang des Bundesarbeitsgerichts in Erfurt.

Labor Activity - Vacation amid Coronavirus quarantine is not compensating.

Workers are not allowed to make up for the lost vacation days due to mandatory coronavirus quarantine, as per a ruling by the Federal Labor Court in Erfurt. This decision only applies to cases before the legal amendment in 2022 and for employees who were not infected by the virus themselves (9 AZR 76/22), as confirmed by a spokesperson from the highest German labor court.

The European Court of Justice (ECJ) addressed this issue in December 2023. It stated that the vacation days spent in a coronavirus quarantine cannot be compensated. The ECJ compared the quarantine to a regular illness. This was their reasoning in a case from Rhineland-Palatinate.

The Federal Labor Court handled several such cases, including one from North Rhine-Westphalia. If the vacation had been requested and approved by the employer, the employee takes on the risk, as declared by the spokesperson. The employer does not owe the employee vacation time as a means of relaxation. The plaintiffs had claimed that they should be allowed to make up for the vacation days missed due to a coronavirus quarantine.

In an amendment to the Infection Protection Act in September 2022, it stipulates that the quarantine periods ordered by authorities will not be credited to vacation. However, this regulation doesn't apply retroactively to earlier times, which covers most of the coronavirus period.

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