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UV Nord worries over increase in anti-European political groups.

The outcomes of the European elections, showcasing significant progress for the AfD, unease the northern business community regarding the upcoming future. They urge the Berlin traffic light coalition to take prompt action.

Philipp Murmann, President of the Federation of Business Associations in Hamburg and...
Philipp Murmann, President of the Federation of Business Associations in Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein (UVNord), speaks at the UV Nord New Year's reception at the Atlantic Hotel.

Financial Sector - UV Nord worries over increase in anti-European political groups.

The northern economy is worried about the increase in more radical or anti-European parties in the upcoming European elections and has urged the federal government to rethink its approach. "This is a wake-up call for the traffic light coalition in Berlin, which has been misguiding northern businesses so far," said Philipp Murmann, president of the UVNorth business association on Monday. People are concerned about the economy, their jobs, and internal security. However, they are offered solutions for cannabis use and gender identification.

The president of the North Metal Employers' Association, Folkmar Ukena, looking at the high voter turnout in Germany of almost 65%, said: "The fact that extremist parties were able to rally many voters makes me concerned about the upcoming elections in Saxony, Thuringia, and Brandenburg, as well as the federal election in 2025." The German European election result is a "stinging slap in the face" for the SPD and Greens, and Ukena called on all democratic parties to take action.

"German industry needs less regulation and bureaucracy, higher competitiveness instead of higher energy costs, and more foreign trade instead of protectionism," said Ukena. UVNord CEO Murmann, on the other hand, highlighted: "Our hope lies in the fact that the majority democratic factions will unite and map out a clear and pragmatic course for a strong Europe."

The chairman of the Hamburg Industry Association, Matthias Boxberger, sounded a warning: "The European ideal must not be swamped by populism!" Jobs, wealth generation, and prosperity hinge on open borders within the EU. "The common currency, uniform standards, and a strong overall European voice in negotiations can only make possible an economically robust Europe that doesn't get bogged down in excessive regulations." Only if Europe can link the sustainable transformation of industry with global competitiveness will other regions adopt this model.

The president of the Central Association of German Seaport Operators (ZDS) demanded that the new European Parliament and the future EU Commission pay more attention to the maritime sector. "To meet the challenges of our time, we need strong ports," said ZDS President Angela Titzrath. Economic power, energy transition, and defense necessitate efficient seaports and transport connections. "For a strong European Union, maritime logistics must be a priority."

In light of numerous crises, the EU must focus on its strengths: joint action, a free internal market, an open and confident trade policy, and fair competition. "All this should also be incorporated into a comprehensive European port strategy as well as a common maritime industry strategy," demanded the managing director of the Hamburg Port and Logistics AG (HHLA), Titzrath. In addition, the subsidy regulations for ports and shipping need to be modernized, the guidelines for state subsidies should be reviewed, and the emissions trading for shipping should be improved. "Prompt action by the EU is essential, as shipping companies have already been setting up new loading centers outside the EU for some time," explained Titzrath.

In the preliminary official results, the Union won the European election in Germany on Sunday with a decisive lead - surpassing the AfD, which became the second strongest party. The CDU and CSU together achieved 30.0%. The AfD significantly improved to 15.9%. The ruling parties of the traffic light coalition faced losses: the SPD slipped to 13.9%, experienced their worst nationwide election result, the Greens dropped drastically to 11.9%, and the FDP endured minor loss with 5.2%. The newly formed left-wing alliance Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) leaped from nowhere to 6.2%, while the Left managed 2.7%.

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