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Useful advice and fence robots for guarding against wolves

The inaugural Echem Fence Day is centered on safeguarding cattle from wolf attacks. Expert talks and displays will showcase the most recent techniques for this purpose.

The 1st Echem Fence Day focuses on protecting herds from wolf attacks.
The 1st Echem Fence Day focuses on protecting herds from wolf attacks.

Protection for livestock - Useful advice and fence robots for guarding against wolves

Can fences effectively shield grazing animals from wolf attacks? This question is set to be addressed by professionals hailing from ten federal states, 18 animal keeper organizations, and representatives of nearly 30 companies on the inaugural Fence Day this coming Friday. The Chamber of Agriculture in Lower Saxony (LWK) is collaborating with experts from Schleswig-Holstein to organize this exchange, which is primarily intended for grazing animal keepers and those engaged in the occupation of grazing animal care.

During the event, which takes place at the Agricultural Education Center (LBZ), attendees will discover numerous practical tips. How can I maintain a fence free of growth? How about winding the fence material automatically? Could scent repellents be a viable solution? Are photovoltaics and sheep protection compatible? The University of Kassel showcases their prototype of a fence robot.

"It's crucial for us to foster professional dialogue between the different fields and across state lines," states Elke Steinbach, the coordinator for sheep protection at the LWK. Brief presentations delve into topics of DNA analysis, insurance, and first-hand accounts of sheep protection experiences from Switzerland.

Read also:

  1. In addition to Lower Saxony, experts from Schleswig-Holstein are also participating in the Fence Day, focusing on herd protection against wolves in farms across various German states.
  2. Agriculture in Lower Saxony is placing a strong focus on wolf-related animal protection issues, collaborating with Schleswig-Holstein to organize events and share insights on the matter, including the use of fence robots.
  3. As part of the Fence Day in Lower Saxony, representatives from Schleswig-Holstein will discuss the role of nature conservation in coexisting with wolves, ensuring both animal safety and wolf preservation.
  4. Schleswig-Holstein's contribution to the Fence Day in Lower Saxony will also highlight the impact of wolves on livestock farming and present potential solutions, including herd protection measures and emphasizing the importance of cohabitation with wildlife in the region.

