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Used electric car market growing significantly - Bavaria leading

New registrations of electric cars are stagnating, but they are still gaining on the used market - however, at a lower level.

The market for used electric cars is still small, but it is gaining traction
The market for used electric cars is still small, but it is gaining traction

Electromobility - Used electric car market growing significantly - Bavaria leading

The market for used electric cars is still small but growing strongly. In the first half of the year, pure electric vehicles accounted for 2.19 percent of all vehicle title transfers nationwide, according to an analysis of data from the Federal Motor Transport Authority by the dpa. A year ago, this figure was only 1.25 percent. The highest shares are in Bavaria with 2.62 percent, Hamburg with 2.5 percent, and Baden-Württemberg with 2.44 percent. The lowest values are in Saxony-Anhalt with 1.18 percent and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern with 1.28 percent.

Despite the significant increase, electric vehicles still play a much smaller role on the used car market than in new vehicle registrations. In the second quarter, the electric vehicle share was 12.5 percent, which is much higher. The ranking of the states with the largest shares also differs: In new vehicle registrations, Baden-Württemberg leads with a 15.6 percent electric vehicle share, followed by Schleswig-Holstein (15.0) and Berlin (14.7 percent). Bavaria ranks fifth with 13.1 percent. The rear is taken by Saxony-Anhalt with 7.2 percent.

The comparison in absolute numbers also shows the gap in the used car market: In the first half of the year, there were 71,462 title transfers for electric cars, but 184,125 new registrations - there were more than twice as many title transfers as new registrations for all cars.

The offer is still rather small

One reason for this is that there are still relatively few used electric cars available. Since they have only been sold in larger quantities for a few years, their share of the German vehicle fleet, which is the most important source for title transfers, is still relatively small. In addition, cars are usually only sold as used after several years, so new registrations from the previous year play only a minor role here. This is also evident in a search on the large online marketplace Of the nearly 1.4 million used vehicles listed, only 65,000 are pure electric vehicles.

Air for rising shares in the used car market, electric vehicles certainly have, if the offer increases. This is also indicated by surveys by market observer DAT, which has identified a growing willingness to buy used electric cars in the past three years. The main obstacle was then still the high price. However, the situation has improved: The residual values of electric cars have recently fallen significantly. This trend, which has continued in May and June, albeit not as strongly, according to DAT.

  1. Interest in electric cars is increasing in Germany, with Saxony-Anhalt and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern showing the least acceptance so far.
  2. The Federal Transport Office's data revealed that Hamburg and Bavaria have the highest percentage of electric car title transfers in the first half of the year.
  3. The automobile industry in Baden-Württemberg, Schleswig-Holstein, and Berlin sees a higher adoption rate of electric vehicles in new vehicle registrations compared to Bavaria.
  4. The market for used electric cars is still smaller than in new vehicle registrations, with Bavaria ranking fifth in both categories.
  5. The offer for used electric cars is limited due to their recent popularity and availability, as well as the time it takes for cars to become eligible for the used car market.
  6. Market observer DAT has identified a growing willingness to buy used electric cars over the past three years, with the main obstacle being the high initial cost.
  7. The resale value of electric cars has significantly decreased recently, suggesting a potential increase in their presence in the used car market.
  8. Flensburg, Hamburg, and other cities in Germany are seeing an uptick in electromobility, with the electroindustry playing a crucial role in this shift towards sustainable transportation.

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