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US Supreme Court to rule on abortion pill restrictions by mid-2024

In the ongoing legal dispute over access to the abortion pill mifepristone, the US Supreme Court wants to make a decision by mid-2024. The Supreme Court announced on Wednesday that it intends to hear oral arguments in the coming months. Specifically, the case concerns the decision of an appeals...

The US Supreme
The US Supreme

US Supreme Court to rule on abortion pill restrictions by mid-2024

In response to the Supreme Court 's announcement, the White House said US President Joe Biden was "firmly committed" to defending women's access to abortion drugs. "Across the country, we are seeing unprecedented attacks on women's freedom to make their own health decisions," it continued.

The Court of Appeal in the US state of Louisiana had ruled in favor of limiting the use of mifepristone to the first seven weeks of pregnancy instead of the first ten. The judges also voted in favor of only allowing the pill to be prescribed by doctors and not by other healthcare professionals, as well as banning the drug from being sent by post.

The manufacturer of mifepristone, Danco Laboratories, and the US government then went to the Supreme Court to challenge the decision.

However, this is not yet in force because the Supreme Court ruled in April that the pill will remain available under the current rules until the legal disputes are concluded.

Mifepristone, known in Germany under the trade name Mifegyne, is used in more than half of all abortions in the USA. According to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the pill has been used by more than 5.6 million women since its approval in 2000. There have been complications in fewer than 1,500 cases, with no link to mifepristone.

Abortion law is one of the most controversial socio-political issues in the USA. In June 2022, the conservative-dominated Supreme Court overturned the nationwide fundamental right to abortion, causing a political earthquake.

Numerous states subsequently restricted access to abortions or banned abortions. However, this is not enough for abortion opponents. They now want the abortion pill mifepristone to be taken off the market nationwide.

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