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US Supreme Court invalidates limitations on abortion pill access.

The US Supreme Court has invalidated limitations on the utilization of an abortion pill. With a unanimous verdict on Thursday, the Supreme Court's nine majority conservative justices based in Washington declared that abortion opponents and doctors are prohibited from imposing constraints on the...

Mifepristone is sold under the name Mifeprex
Mifepristone is sold under the name Mifeprex

US Supreme Court invalidates limitations on abortion pill access.

In the ruling, it's mentioned that the plaintiffs have to tackle their concerns about Mifepristone's use with the executive or legislative branch. Federal courts aren't the right setting for this matter.

In the US, anti-abortion activists are attempting to limit nationwide access to the drug Mifepristone, which is generally used in America under the name Mifegyne in Germany. Mifepristone is utilized in most abortions in the US, and the FDA approved its use in 2016.

A year ago, a conservative US district judge nominated under Trump's presidency ruled to forbid Mifepristone. However, an appeal court reversed the total prohibition due to the expiration of the deadline for challenging the FDA's approval. The appeal court, though, restricted access to the drug.

Among other limitations, the appeal court shortened the period in which Mifepristone could be administered from ten to seven weeks of pregnancy and prohibited its shipment through the mail.

In June 2022, the Supreme Court caused a political upheaval with its controversial decision to revoke the landmark judgment Roe v. Wade from 1973, which recognized a constitutional right to abortion in the U.S. Around 20 states have now prohibited or limited abortions.

Surveys indicate that the majority of Americans back continued access to secure abortions. In contrast, conservatives are working to curb or completely outlaw them. Abortion is most likely to be a significant concern in the US presidential election in November.

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