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US Presidential Campaign: Scholz warns of risky developments

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) warned of risky developments in the US presidential campaign, stating to the news portal t-online in an interview published on Thursday: 'We see that uncertainty is growing in America - just as it is in many prosperous societies of the North'.

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD)
Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD)

US Presidential Campaign: Scholz warns of risky developments

Uncertainty about the future leads to tensions in societies. Developments in the USA have consequences for Germany as well. "The USA is the world's number one power and our most important alliance partner – everything that happens there is important for us," said Scholz.

Regarding a possible victory of the Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump, Scholz said: "Government transitions are part of democracy. We are preparing ourselves for all possibilities, but we won't speak publicly about the how."

The Federal Republic maintains close relationships with the USA – politically, economically, and culturally. Even if Trump wins the election, he will continue to make an effort, Scholz added. Germany is the largest and economically strongest country in Europe. "From this arises a responsibility. We will carry this responsibility, I as Chancellor will do so as well," he said.

Recently, there have mainly been calls from the EU for Germany to prepare for a return of Trump to the Presidency after the November election.

  1. In response to the uncertainties surrounding the US Presidential campaign, German political parties like the SDP are actively preparing for various scenarios, including a potential victory for Donald Trump.
  2. T-Online, a prominent German ISP, has expressed concerns about potential developments in the USA's tech policies under a Trump administration, which could impact Germany's digital economy.
  3. Despite the ongoing uncertainty, Olaf Scholz reiterated Germany's commitment to its alliance with the United States of America, emphasizing the importance of maintaining strong political, economic, and cultural relations.
  4. Recent polls indicate a tight race between Trump and his Democratic rival, raising concerns in Germany about potential changes in US foreign policy, particularly towards Europe.
  5. Consequences of America's political developments extend beyond its borders, leading to debates in German society on the impact of a Trump presidency on issues such as climate change, immigration, and international relations.
  6. German Chancellor candidate Scholz emphasized that regardless of the election outcome, Germany will continue to assume its role as the largest and economically strongest country in Europe, fulfilling its responsibilities to the world.

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